You need to JUST START...
Nov 11, 2020 7:01 pm
Whatever it is you are thinking about doing, what is stopping you from just going after it?
Who/what is inhibiting you from putting your foot on the gas and just going?
Why don't you JUST START?
You have probably heard this all before.
Nike has literally revolved their brand around one simple statement... "JUST DO IT."
No matter how much experience we earn over our lifetime though, starting new things always seems to cause a slight bit of hesitation, overwhelm, and sometimes even fear in us.
Why is that?
Why is it that you immediately think of what can go wrong, rather than what can go right?
Feel free to ponder this and hit me with a response because I don't have the answer for it lol.
But for now, I have a challenge for you...
Whatever you thought about when I first asked you what are you thinking about doing, GO MAKE A LIST OF ALL THE POSITIVES AND EVERYTHING THAT COULD GO RIGHT.
What could go right...LIST ALL OF THAT.
And if you are really up for the challenge, send me a response to this with the list of "if everything goes right with my idea/business/life, this is where I will be in 1 - 3 - 5 years."
Don't focus on the how.
Don't focus on the constraints.
Don't focus on all the doubts that our fear tries to bestow on us.
Just write the list.
And if you want to learn more about how to make your list become reality... come to today's ThriveOnLife Lunch & Learn where I will be hosting a discussion around how to bring any idea to life with less stress, more efficiency, and most importantly... a lot more FULFILLMENT in your life.
To join us today at noon cst, the zoom link is HERE.
No worries if you cannot make the whole time, or you show up late / leave early, or cannot come at all...I'd still love to see your list. Even just writing it means you are one step closer to bringing your dreams to life.
ps: today I am grateful for the ability to connect with people from all over the world with technologies like zoom. I am obsessed with continuous learning, education reform, and connecting others to learn & grow together. Technologies like zoom allow me to do something that I love, and for that I am grateful.