7 questions to change your life.
Nov 12, 2021 7:01 pm
I don't "follow" many people.
My energy is saved for production and creation, rather than consumption.
Yet, there is one guy I would like to shout out who I have been reading his content a lot recently.
His name is Zach Pograb, and he has a brand called behaviorhack.
And recently he posted something that caused me to reflect, and I hope it does the same for you going into this weekend.
See below.
After reading these, which one strikes a chord the most with you?
For me, it is number 6.
I love Naval's work.
The question is so simple yet profound.
And this statement has helped me for years to navigate the "what should I do next/where should I spend my time" questions.
Even now, a lot of my 2022 is being planned around what is considered "play" to me... yet to someone else is a whole hell of a lot of "work." lol
I'd love to know which one is causing you to think though. And maybe if I am lucky you'll even tell me your response to it.
Have a wonderful weekend!
p.s. today I am grateful for the folk and acoustic Spotify playlist I turned on about an hour ago. It has been a lovely way to start my day.