Choose hard things.

Jan 13, 2022 2:19 pm

When is the last time you purposely challenged yourself to do something hard?

Maybe something you knew you would fail at?

If nothing comes to mind...

I have an easy one you can do.



Ice baths have had a profound positive impact on my mental, physical, and spiritual health.

And the beautiful thing is... I know for a fact that I am not the only one they have done this for.

For the practical people out there that say "how the fuck can getting in ice help me?"

I will keep my answer super simple...

  1. Strengthens your willpower and resilience. (No matter what your job, career, lifestyle... difficult things in life will happen to you. So building your resilience HELPS YOU for when those things randomly occur).
  2. Clears your mind from all the noise. When you are in the ICE, it is hard to think about anything else besides that present moment. For anyone with stress/anxiety this is a blessing.
  3. They will increase your dopamine production... which essentially means you will feel better aka be a happier human being.

These are just a few that will apply to EVERYONE.

The benefits can get way more scientific than this, so if the science interests you, go checkout Andrew Huberman.

Also, if you would like to hear more about my own journey with ice, as well as how ice can improve Women's Health and resilience, go checkout THRIVEONLIFE Podcast EP:130 where I get the chance to chat with Kristin Weitzel and how she coaches people to utilize Ice Baths to become stronger, happier, healthier human beings.

Listen on Spotify

Listen on Apple

Ice is one of my favorite topics at the moment, and I am so pumped to share this with you! If you are intrigued by it, please feel free to reach out directly to Kristin or myself.



p.s. today I am grateful that I have the ability to learn from people like Kristin. Knowledge is power, and I love being able to learn from other badass human beings.
