Quitting isn't failing.

Jan 12, 2022 2:19 pm

You can't change your "company," but you can change your "company."

Re-read the above a few times.

What do I mean by it?

I mean that you will never be able to change the environment or people around you, as quickly as you can step away and change yourself, your environment, and the people you surround yourself with.

One of the things that people reach out to me the most about (besides nutrition and fitness) is how they dislike their job or career path.

And when they approach me with this issue, here is my response.

  1. Realize this is a great place to be. Appreciate the fact that you know what you DON'T WANT.
  2. Lower your expectations of your job, raise your expectations of YOURSELF and how you are in control of changing the situation. Your job/company that you work for is not to be held at fault for your discontent, YOU are.
  3. Ask yourself "what is one step every day that you can consistently take to get closer to wha you actually want out of life?" Rome wasn't built in a day, remember that! Instead of focusing on building the castle in one day, just focus on the first brick. Usually the first brick is figuring out how you can leverage your network to find a path that is more aligned with your passions and skills that you wish to utilize every day. Setup phone calls with friends/family/acquaintances who are in industries that you wish to participate in.

Quitting the life YOU don't like is not failure.

Failure is going an entire lifetime doing things that you didn't want to do in the first place!!!

Failure is regretting not changing your circumstances when you had a chance!!!

Failure is knowing that you should take a risk, but instead you remain comfortable!!!

So what will it be?

Would you rather be a quitter, or a failure?



p.s. today I am grateful for all the messages I received yesterday. My heart is filled with joy from all the kindness.
