Anything worth it...
Nov 29, 2021 7:33 pm
takes time.
And time...
It can't be bought.
It can't be sold.
It can't be reused.
It can't be recycled.
It can't be gifted.
It can't be shared.
Your time is a finite resource.
So why are you acting like it is infinite?
I have had some tough conversations with people over the course of the past week.
Holidays always seem to spew up unnecessary drama.
Is it the weather? The lack of sunshine during cloudy days? The days getting dark early? Idk.
The one common theme I have noticed in the conversations, is the lack of awareness about how time is finite.
So many people waste their own time complaining about the things going on in their own head, the people around them, the environment they place themselves in... rather than realizing that time ultimately doesn't give a fuck.
It will eventually take you down whether you are happy or sad. Rich or poor. Fit or fat.
So if time can take us all, why don't more people spend it in the best ways possible?
Why don't people spend their time changing themselves and their environments for the better, rather than wasting their time complaining about them.
^^^ This is the question I am left to ponder after Thanksgiving.
If you have an answer to this question, please feel free to respond. :)
Otherwise, I hope to inspire you to take advantage of your time while you have the chance.
Today, make the choice to let go of any anger, anxiousness, or regret, and instead...fill your heart with appreciation for the fact that you still have TIME to utilize. Not everyone can say the same.
p.s. today I am thankful for the trials and tribulations. The tough conversations. The hard things in life that have only made me more valuable to this earth in the long run.