Test #2

Apr 30, 2020 9:09 am


Hi ,

America needs a robust and engaged citizenry. One that is vested not only in national politics, but equally vested in their local communities. For the last 3 years I have been studying and researching and participating in politics at all levels.

I've seen first hand how much influence a Mayor can have on your day to day life, with their control over property taxes and when your streets pothole gets fixed. Yet just around 25% of voters turn out on a municipal election day.

But that's why you're here isn't it? You signed up for this newsletter because you're ready to leave your mark on this world, and bring about a new wave of meaningful change for America.

I'm excited to be part of that journey, and every month I am going to be sending out a new edition of the Civics Gazette, full of content curated by me for you!

It'll include links to articles, essays, or white papers on different topics such as civics (no shocker there), government, policy initiatives, etc. Every once and awhile I will break down one of the books I am reading, cliff notes style.

Lastly, I'll start off most newsletters with include a Quote of the Month and why it struck a chord with me.

Quote Of The Month

"Recognize at all times the paramount right of your Country to your most devoted services, whether she treat you ill or well, and never let selfish views or interests predominate over the duties of patriotism."

- Henry Clay

This quote encapsulates the entire premise behind the Civics Institute. That our Country needs a devoted citizenry, and that we need citizens who are willing to but their ego aside for the greater good of the nation. We as Americans have tremendous power if we devote time and effort to understanding our civic responsibilities, and commit to making a difference in our communities.

Henry Clay was a fascinating statesman. I recently read "Heir To The Founders" which opened up my eyes to the next round of influential American statesman after the Founding Fathers. I highly recommend it!!

Other Great Finds

  1. YouTube video
  2. NPR Article
  3. National Affairs essay

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I read them all.
