Anti-Racist Book Club - Apology + 2nd Book

Oct 28, 2020 5:26 pm

Good Morning ,

How are you doing today? I hope it finds you well. I want to start off and profusely apologize for my delayed and unorganized start to our Anti-Racist Book Club. I feel terrible about it and have no excuse for not following up regarding our second book earlier.

One of the things I am learning this year, thanks to the global pandemic, is that if I don't have something locked in my calendar I can lose track of it quick! Luckily, my better half saves my butt and reminds me of things I forget. Hence this e-mail! THANK YOU KATIE!

I'd love to get our 2nd Book meeting locked in and then just set a monthly date for Book Club to meet. We decided last time we all spoke was that we would read "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo.

Would you be available to meet on November 17th for our 2nd Book club meeting? If so, how do you feel about the 3rd Tuesday of every month being our scheduled Anti-Racist Book Club meeting?

That way we have a set schedule, it'll keep me more honest, and get us some momentum. Please let me know your thoughts, and once again my deepest apologies for the delay and fumbling of the proverbial football.


