Behind the Scenes of the short-story "Orphan Calf"

Jan 25, 2025 4:53 pm


Welcome to the second newsletter of the new year, 2025! This is an exciting month, as the new Circle C Adventures book 7, Other Tales from the Circle C Ranch, officially releases next week (January 28). The first story in the new book is "Orphan Calf." Andi and her friend Cory find an abandoned calf on Circle C rangeland, and Andi is determined to save it and raise it. You can preorder the book from Amazon or . . . you can buy an autographed copy ($8.99) from my webstore right now >



When I asked for feedback about what I might include in the Circle C newsletters in 2025, Mikaela asked if I could share how I come up with ideas for the stories I write.

"Orphan Calf" is a great example of where I find ideas. This story is based on true-life events that took place in 2019 on my daughter's family's mini-ranch in Andi country (California foothills). I experienced the unfolding drama, and right away I thought, "What if Andi found an abandoned calf on the rangeland, just like the Ross kids found the Angus calf behind their ranch?" And the story was born! You can read the opening chapters of "Orphan Calf" here >

What's even more fun is I included a "Did You Know" author's note at the end of the story, which allows readers to peek behind the scenes and learn what was going on with the true-life story. Here is that author's note, along with a video and fun images. Enjoy!

Did You Know?

The Story Behind "Orphan Calf" 🤠

from Andrea Carter and Other Tales from the Circle C Ranch, copyright 2025

Sweetie Pie’s real name was Stormy Night. He was found—a day or two old—on California rangeland behind the Painted Acres ranch in 2019. Weak at first, the oldest girl, Ellie, fed him from a kitten bottle (click to watch the video). 



The calf’s mother returned to her calf that afternoon, but she showed little interest in her newborn. Clearly ill, she died that night from unknown causes, and the turkey vultures quickly found her.

Stormy Night, however, found a new home in an empty horse stall on the Painted Acres ranch. A calf bottle replaced the kitten bottle, but Stormy Night did not thrive. He lumbered after his bottle but did little else. He lay around most days and soaked up the sun. He started out at sixty pounds but gained only two pounds by the end of two weeks.



Stormy Night was the Ross children’s first experience with raising day-old calves, and it was not going well. The calf was not a twin or a triplet like Sweetie Pie (in the Andi story), but he turned out to be what is known as an “acorn” calf. A rancher friend saw the calf and explained that he was most likely the victim of his mother’s poor nutrition while carrying him. Many believe that a diet of valley oak acorns, when good hay or grass is not readily available, contributes to this condition. Hence the term “acorn” calf. Stormy Night had the typical large joints and short legs of such calves. He was also hunched over and not energetic. The rancher said the calf would never do well.



The kids did not give up on Stormy Night. Finally, their pastor—who raises calves on nursing cows like the Rocking T rancher in “Orphan Calf”—offered to take Stormy Night. He’d had success in the past with acorn calves and was willing to give this calf a chance.

At first, the results were amazing! Stormy latched on to the cow. He perked up and followed her around, just like Sweetie Pie. Cow and calf bonded. For the next few weeks it looked like all would be well. Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, Stormy Night came down with a bad case of scours (calf diarrhea) and died. Just like that.

The author gave Andi’s orphan calf, Sweetie Pie, a much happier ending.


I hope you enjoyed this "peek behind the scenes." You can preorder Andrea Carter and Other Tales from the Circle C Ranch on Amazon >

Or you can buy an autographed copy (includes a horse sticker) right now from my Circle C Store >


Free Coloring Pages!

Unlike Circle C Adventures book 1-6, this new book (Other Tales) includes fun illustrations. You can download four fun pages to color by clicking the button.

Coloring Pages



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