It’s time for the annual Circle C Christmas Gift Basket giveaway (basket not included, LOL). I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now, enter this giveaway. Tell your friends! The basket is chock full of all kinds of fun Circle C goodies. U.S. or...
Read more Favorite Things >> Melinda and I took at least two hours to figure out which hymns were our favorites. Goodness! There are so many new hymns that it’s fun to learn them. But a few favorites stick in our minds. 15. Melinda’s Favorite H...
Andi’s Roping Disaster I thought it would be fun to pick one of the story starters from the Fall 2023 writing contest and write a story myself. I had lots of fun beginning the story, but honestly, now that I have Andi stuck (as usual) in a tough situ...
Check out the other What Am I games >> Ellianna B. is the winner. Out of 147 entries, 142 of guessed correctly. A match (matchhead). Ellianna B. is #83 out of 142 and has 48 hours to claim her prize. Thanks for playing. I will be taking a break...
Read Circle C fan fiction here >> Not very many submissions this month, but I’m happy to present the “rest of the story” regarding Elijah Hunt (the old guy in the Glade in “Stranger in the Glade.”
Check out the other What Am I games >> 👉 You know the drill! Hint: Andi was familiar with this item during Trouble with Treasure. Fill in the Google Form with your answer. As usual, the guessing game runs one week, Tuesday, November 7 – Monday...
It comes to all good horses eventually. They need to learn to carry a rider. Clearly, Dakota (at six months old) is not old enough to carry even the youngest rider, even though he is over 12 hands high already! However, it’s never too early to teach...
See more Andi’s Journal posts >> July 1887 I was resting with a brand-new baby Jared sleeping next to me. Mother was out in the kitchen, fussing around. I was bored and restless, so I scrounged through my stack of journals and started reading t...
And we all know what happens when we get to 400 subscribers, don’t we? Well, let’s review. Here is the list of our progress. So, it only makes sense that when Andi’s blog hits 400 subscribers, I will offer a giveaway of FOUR prizes to FOUR winners. I...
See more Photo Fridays >> Just a reminder. I am still accepting submissions for the Look-a-Like Round 3 contest (Circle C and Goldtown). I think that this time . . . instead of choosing a random winner, I will open it up as a “Readers’ Choice”...