More on autumn, less movies and about that event...

Oct 09, 2020 3:31 pm



Have you got that Friday feeling?

It's been a tough week, but things are starting to look up here in Yorkshire, as it's finally stopped raining! It was quite apt, really, as the announcement about Cineworld had me feeling like there was going to be an impending apocalypse.


It's not that I'd never go to other cinemas - I will, but the two closest cinemas to me are Cineworld, and as they're the biggest chain in the UK, it's sad times for us movie fans. I'm sure you don't need any encouragement, but it really does seem to be use it or lose it times. Whether it's your local cinema or fave cafe, support them if you can!

The challenging week started with a phone call at half past ten on Monday morning, and it's continued all week.

Because of the various things that have gone wrong this week, I've decided to move the virtual show to Saturday the 24th October.


(And with perfect timing, my broadband went down for half an hour here! 😂)

I'll be doing things a little differently, and you'll need a password to get into the show, so if you're in, just drop me an email saying 'I'm in' and I'll send you the info.

New blog alert! If you want a bit of comfort while you drink a hot chocolate, check out Caitlin's list of The Best Autumnal Movies.


Old blog alert! 😉

October's babies have two gorgeous and multi-coloured gemstones for their birthstones. While I don't think birthstones can give you super-powers (only movies can do that!) I do think they're an interesting way to add a touch of your own personality to a piece, or to make a gift more personal. 


Check out the blog on October's birthstones here. Don't forget, you can add a Swarovski birthstone to any necklace or bracelet for just £5!

Get yours now!

Here's to next week being a lot different from this one!

Have a great weekend,



PS - if you skim-read:
