A Very Thankful Weekend ♥

Nov 27, 2020 6:01 pm


Hello! 👋

Although 2020 has been a year of twists and turns, I can't help but think of how much I have to be grateful for this weekend. I know we don't 'do' Thanksgiving over here in the UK, but because of the international nature of, well, almost everything these days, I always take some time to reflect.


I'm very grateful that I haven't personally had Covid, and while it's certainly taken a toll on the country, I'm glad that the mortality rate is pretty low (as pandemics go). I said way back in July that one of the strangest things I'd learnt this year was that the excellent Contagion movie was actually a feel-good movie - in 2020, anyway. It's definitely still worth a watch if you want to feel good about how society hasn't totally collapsed!

In England, we're just about to come out of our second lockdown, most likely with some restrictions still in place. I'm very grateful that lockdown hasn't been extended.

I'm even more grateful that there are now three vaccines that appear to be really good candidates, so while it's probably going to be a tough winter, there is a strong hope of a return to some normality next year.

I'm thankful that I'm not involved in all the Black Friday madness! While it makes sense for larger retailers to offer discounts and attract thousands and thousands of people to their stores, that definitely wouldn't work for me. After all, I've only got one pair of hands!


Me, trying to hide from Black Friday!

As it's Cyber Weekend and I am an online-only retailer, I have been offering 10% off to everyone else, but because you're part of #teamcinebling, you get 15% and upgraded express shipping.

I'll also be donating 10% of all sales to Medicinema. If you haven't heard of them, they help people to 'feel better with film' and run cinemas that are based in hospitals. Cool, right?

Just use code TWIST (again!).


While I'm mentioning the new Plot Twist collection, I should apologise for some of the photos. They looked fab on the PC, and most of all, they looked white, but when I checked on launch day, some of them looked a bit yellow and weird on my phone. Sorry. I've been working this week to fix them (but it's tricky as I need to fix them on the PC, where they look OK... hello chicken, meet egg! 😂)


I'm still making some changes to the pictures, but they are hopefully improved on last week. If there's any pieces that you're interested in, let me know and I can send a video or some extra snaps to you.

The last thing I'll share that I'm grateful for is that I have been accepted to Gifted! It's a two day online market run by Enterprise Nation, who support entrepreneurs. It's live from 11am to 6pm next Friday and Saturday.


There's a Facebook Event set up for it here and you can also register via EventBrite here. If those links don't work, try copying and pasting bit.ly/giftedbyEN

Hope to see you there!

Have a wonderful week, and I hope that you have lots to be thankful for.

