Getting to know you...

Sep 18, 2020 4:01 pm


Hello again!

It's been another busy week, although this week I've done plenty of benchwork, which has been great. My hands are protesting a lot at the moment, but it has been lovely to have a bench full of things to make.

I've also worked some more on the new collection, here's another little clue:image

I went to see Bill & Ted Face The Music. I have yet to write up a review for it, although I will do! It was strange watching another time travel movie so soon after Tenet, and Bill & Ted was almost the opposite. It didn't explain too much, it just cracked on with having fun in it's own Bill & Ted-like way. It's definitely moved on from the originals, but I still think that fans will enjoy it.

I've also been thinking about the website and what you might want from me on there. I realised that, even though I've been emailing for a few months now, you might still not know so much about me. I saw a post that someone did on Facebook with 20 questions to get to know them, and I thought I'd send them on to you!

20 turned out to be a little bit on the long side, so here's 10 to get us started!


1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

This would probably change every time I got asked it! I think right now, I’d love to have Gal Gadot over. From what I know about her, she’s a really interesting person (and she could maybe give me the inside scoop on WW84, too!)

2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?

Definitely not! When I was younger and wanted to work in the movies, I wrote scripts. You get all the fun and glamour of working in the industry, but mostly, no one knows what screenwriters look like. Definitely not in the way they do actors and directors!

3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

No, but I probably should! Sometimes I hang up and do a bit of a facepalm, but I just go for it!

4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?

Easy! A lie in, a spot of brunch, and then a triple-bill at the movies with a sundae and lashings and lashings of popcorn. Just don’t ask me to narrow it down to only three movies!

5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

About five minutes ago! I seem to have a very wordy brain, and will often find myself singing apparently random songs. I then realise it’s linked to an earlier conversation or something by the lyrics.

6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?


This is tricky! I’d like to think that I’d learn a lot between being 30 and being 90, which would make me choose towards body, so my mind could grow… but then it would be great to have the enthusiastic outlook of 30-year-old me and brighten up the 90-year-olds. Toss a coin and let me know!

7. What do you find relaxing?

The seaside!

8. What's your least favourite sound?

Any recording of my own voice.

9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

Wow, there’s so many to count here! Probably my family. They can drive me crazy sometimes, but they’re pretty awesome.

10. Can you describe your taste in interiors and design?

Erm, not really! I don’t think I know enough about it. I think I err slightly towards minimalism, as I don’t like too much pattern on things. I did read something recently that patterns can trigger migraines, which I’ve had really badly, so maybe that’s something to do with it.

I don’t it when things look too plain or neat though – I like a house to look like a home, not a showroom or a museum.

Got any questions for me? Hit 'reply' and let me know! I'd love to answer!


Hope you have a fantastic week and keep watching movies!

