October, awesome movies and an exclusive event 🥂

Oct 02, 2020 4:01 pm



Can you believe it's October? I feel like my calendar must be lying to me, although I don't know why it would do that!

This time last year, I was on a cruise and we should have been in lovely Lisbon. Unfortunately, we had to change course as there was a big ol' storm coming, which we were trying to outrun. Seems strange that we've also now got Storm Alex making it's presence felt through most of the country!

Two weeks away from the world was lovely, although I did feel bad about not being able to stay in touch. I posted 'an A to Z of Awesome Movies' on social media, which I also turned into a blog post. If you missed it, you can check it out here!


I thought I'd take a break from the questions this week, and pick up next week. I think I might be in danger of oversharing!

But, last week, I did get a couple of questions back, so here goes:

Q: Which actor/actress would you like to meet?

Gosh, this is a tricky one! I find it fascinating that people want to spend their lives being someone else, although I can also see the appeal a little bit. I think my answer to this would end up being 'no, wait, what about...' as the more I think about who I want to meet and why, the more brilliant people I think of.

It's like 'have dinner with' question from a couple of weeks ago. Today, I have to say I'd love to meet Michael Caine, because he's done so many different things. He's Alfred in Batman, but he's also Austin Power's Dad and was the original Alfie. And that's not even mentioning The Italian Job!

I bet he's got some great stories, too.


Q. Have you been to comic cons?

Yes, I have, although I've always been working. A friend suggested that I take my jewellery, and I did - and really enjoyed it! At almost every one, the atmosphere was amazing. Such a good mix of people, all just having a good time. The quieter ones were still great fun, and I made friends with a couple of fellow stallholders as well!

They're definitely on my list of things to do when life gets back to normal - and I won't be working this time, either!


Q. Have you cosplayed, dressed up?

Not strictly speaking. I have a friend who is a photographer, who has had me do some crazy things for photo competitions and other stuff. I don't know if dressing in a wedding dress, being painted with luminous paint and pretending to be a ghost counts...? That was fun, hiding in Valley Gardens in Pontefract pretending the white lady!

So... I guess not, but when I get the chance to go to a Comic Con again, I'd love to. I'd love to go as Wonder Woman!


Can you see the resemblance? 😂

Let me know if you have any other questions for me!

The big news is that I'm going to be hosting a one of a kind sale on the 17th of October. The even better news is that it's a virtual event, so you can stay in your PJs. I usually host them on Facebook, but I know that doesn't work for everybody. This will be an exclusive event for A-listers, so if you know anyone who would like to come, get them to sign up!

If you don't use Facebook, let me know and I'll look into some different platforms if enough folks are interested.

October is usually horror month at Cinebling, and the pieces will be around that theme. Let me know if you have any requests, and I'll see what I can do!

Wow, that was a packed update! Hope your weekend slows down a little and you get time to enjoy it.

Have a good one!


PS - If you skim-read this, here's what you need to know:

  1. You should read the A to Z of Awesome Movies (if you missed it!)
  2. One of a kind horror-inspired sale on the 17th of October