Psychic Medium Christine Gold


Do you feel that you may be an Empath? Attracting toxic people and relationships into your life? Whether it's family, friends, partners and work? I get it, that's the power struggle of the Empath & Narcissist.

I break down why fighting, blaming or avoiding will only make it worse OR and it's the calm before the storm.

In 45 minutes you will innerstand why this keeps happening and take your power back in an authentic way.

  1. Gain clarity and confidence— so you know the right steps to take in all areas of your life.
  2. Discover how to change past-beliefs that have been holding you back.
  3. Feel more joy and calm now— no matter what or who is around you.

And so much more!

There is nothing like this anywhere.

Register your interest now to be notified when this Masterclass opens soon!

Abundant Love,

Christine Gold

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