*Free* BRASS DAY event in.....

Sep 04, 2023 1:36 pm

This just in...

Ithaca Brass will be hosting a FREEBRASS DAY” event at Ithaca College on 9/30!

There will be:

  • master classes
  • faculty showcases
  • student performances
  • and a mass[ive] brass ensemble performance combining faculty, students and attendees!

Also, we're NYSED approved to offer 5 continuing education credits for educators, and college application waiver for students that apply to IC!

Again, this event is free for all—just click here to learn more and/or register:

Learn more

I hope to see you there!


PS Please share this with your friends—any student or educator that would find this event interesting! Feel free to print the attached poster to display in your studio/classroom (QR code links to the registration page):

