[Chikara Press] All good things...

Jan 23, 2024 4:19 am


Hi there. It's been a while since I sent out a newsletter. There's been a lot going on behind the scenes with my author business, as well as life in general.

I've been doing a lot of restructuring with my business. Mainly, trying to consolidate and keep all my information updates in as few places as possible to make things easy on me. For 2024, one of my main focuses is my own mental health. In order to write great books, I need to keep my mind and body fresh and balanced. Running a business on your own is tough, and many times mental health takes a backseat.

One of the things I'm changing up is my newsletters. I've asked some of you in a poll about where you prefer to consume your info, news, and updates from your favorite authors, and so far, it's been social media. Not newsletters, but social media. I listen to my readers and hear them loud and clear. I've had a newsletter for a long time, but I wasn't sure if it was really the most effective in getting my news and updates out to my readers.

So this year, I'm making a change.

This will be the last newsletter I send out in this format. If you would like to stay connected with me and hear about all the latest news and updates about my books, you can follow me at the following places:

Blog: https://blog.chikarapress.com

You can sign up for email notifications of new blog posts I write.

Facebook Group (The Worlds of Chikara Press): https://www.facebook.com/groups/chikarapress

This is a Facebook group for general news and info.

Patreon (Chikara Press): https://www.patreon.com/chikarapress

Patrons get exclusive access to my latest works-in-progress, and other news, before anyone else.

Discord (The Worlds of Chikara Press): https://discord.gg/gKSvFswhSg

This is a private Discord server to hang out and chat.

I hope you will continue to follow me on my publishing journey!


