Which Disney Prince Do You Want to Win It All?
Mar 07, 2025 2:16 pm
Dear Readers,
Every year in the Brazen Belles Facebook group, we host a March Madness that has nothing to do with basketball. 🤣 Last year it was tropes, and enemies to lovers got close to winning it all (did it win it all? I can't remember, that was a year ago 🫠). This year, we're pitting Disney princes against one another! We think Flynn Rider will likely win, but he's got some stiff competition as well. If you want to join in the daily fun, make sure to join our group!
I have to say our March Madness event is one of my favorite events of the year. We have a ton of fun, and already Courtney McCaskill has persuaded Sadie Bosque to watch Anastasia (technically now a Disney movie!) and post her reactions to our group in live time. I'm Team Dimitri, so I'm particularly pleased.
Which Disney prince are you rooting for?
Speaking of tropes, particularly enemies to lovers, there's a new anthology out there focusing on romance just for those who adore that trope! My own A Very Daring Christmas is included with other great stories by amazing authors. Check out The Kiss that Conquered for more!
Discover a New Book
All this month Kate Bateman's A Scandal in July is on sale for $1.99! If you've not started the multi-author Rake Review series yet, this could be a great place to dive in! Twelve authors, twelve months, twelve scandalous rakes!
Also, two of my fellow brazen belle authors have new books out!
First, Tabetha Waite's The Villain's Vixen is available everywhere online books are sold!
Next, Sadie Bosque's newest, Gone with the Rake is now available in Kindle Unlimited!
Looking for historical romance in Kindle Unlimited? Here's a collection of what you're looking for!
Or maybe you need something free this month? If so, take a look at these books:
Happy reading!
(Now in Kindle Unlimited!)
(these books will be in KU)
(these books are in KU)