Summer Reading and Free Books to Cool Down With

Jul 26, 2022 10:01 pm

Thank you all so much for your support!

There are so many fun things happening on my social media channels with you all commenting and getting involved, and it's so much fun!

If you haven't joined in on the fun, pick your favorite social media platform below and join us! You don't want to miss out.

imageI've been hard at work on getting The Enthronement ready for you all. ARC copies are going out the week after next, and my team is super excited about it! The audiobook is in post-production. Sadly, it will not be out on release day as planned, but it's still coming! I had so much fun recording it in my dingy little closet (oops I mean recording studio)

The next big project now is the paperback and hardcover. We are waiting for the approval copies to arrive in the next week or so. In the meantime, we're getting ready to launch even more content on YouTube. What kind of content would you like to see?

And as always, thank you for your support! We have several great book collections to share this week from authors like me who could really use a boost and some reviews so are offering their books for free. Please read which ones interest you and give them honest reviews. It makes an author's day I promise!
