Running something online is frustrating.

Jul 11, 2024 12:53 pm

Namaste (Hello in Hindi)

Sometimes, running a Startup Is actually be frustrating.

I use these steps to avoid frustration.....

Running a business is fucking Frustrating....

I got your back,

Few days ago, when I was not getting any clients, not making any progress.

That time was really Frustrating for me (you can understand)

I use these 5 steps for avoiding Frustration...

-- Set your clear goals (that helped me to not wasting time in thinking what I have to do) ni

-- Prioritizing tasks (that helped me to saving time, by doing important one first)

-- keep seeking your customers feedback and stay connected with them

The next one was pretty hard for me. Before that I didn't know, I was addictive :(

-- Using less social media (except LinkedIn, otherwise how can you see me? 😁)

-- Start taking recommendations (that helped me to be on track and actually helped me to find clients)

Read my entire Handbook of "How to open a business/startup within few hours without Hardwork?" (Handbook)

Follow my LinkedIn for more free stuff,

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Shruti Bhattacharya is on our Newsletter Spotlight. She grows herself over LinkedIn withover 3000 LinkedIn Followers
She's a B2B Content marketer. You can follow her on LinkedIn


Jaldi milte hai ( See you soon in Hindi)
