🎥 பிரபலங்கள் வெளியிடாத பிரம்மச்சரிய ரகசியங்கள் - Day 22 S 12 Celibacy Nofap Challenge

Aug 07, 2024 1:52 pm

Hi there,

Here's my weekly update forAugust 7th, 2024...

🎥 பிரபலங்கள் வெளியிடாத பிரம்மச்சரிய ரகசியங்கள் - Day 22 S 12 Celibacy Nofap Challenge


Unlock the Power of Celibacy: 22 Days and Beyond!


00:00:00 - Introduction and celibacy challenge update

22 days of celibacy journey completed

Encouragement to believe in oneself and stay committed

00:01:42 - Email community announcement

Link provided to subscribe with name and email

Purpose: To send important information directly to subscribers

00:04:40 - Discussion on celibacy benefits

Importance of patience and steady progress

Analogy to marathon running - pace yourself for long-term success

00:06:56 - Advice on practicing celibacy

Focus on saving energy and improving oneself

Benefits will come naturally with time and dedication

00:10:18 - Question about Rudraksha beads

Explanation of the spiritual significance of Rudraksha

Connection to yogic practices and energy preservation

00:15:44 - Addressing concerns about family life and celibacy

Advice on finding balance and adapting practices to individual circumstances

Emphasis on flexibility in timing for spiritual practices

00:20:02 - Discussion on famous celibates and their achievements

Examples including Muhammad Ali, Abdul Kalam, and Kamaraj

Highlighting the power of celibacy across various fields

00:26:26 - Encouragement and community support

Importance of mutual support in the celibacy journey

Invitation to join the email community for additional resources

00:29:28 - Closing remarks

Gratitude to the community

Looking forward to meeting as "complete celibate yogis" on Karthika Deepa

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Celibacy Yoga Meditations
