Cats, magic, and orc treats!

Apr 22, 2023 7:48 am

Hey, my Wylde-lings! I haven't landed in your Inbox in a while. How long has it been? Two weeks? Three? Time for an update!

Okay, so the subject of this email has nothing to do with books. Sorry if you thought I started writing paranormal cozies. Haha! Actually, this is about how I spent my birthday, on April 18, woohoo, I'm 35! And I love it. I think this is a great age to be. The best. 35. It still sounds young, but, like, also wise. This year, my partner suggested we go away for my birthday, and we've wanted to visit Budapest since forever, so this was a good excuse.

Here are some pictures! First, cats. Because I started my birthday with a CATpuccino at the Cat Cafe, and it was so lazy and lovely. All the cats were sleeping, so we didn't disturb them. I just took pictures from a distance and petted them respectfully.





The next day, we went to The Magic, which is a cute cafe inspired by Harry Potter. They bring you this cauldron with the drinks, and they ask you to wave a wand and say a spell, and then they pour water over... I don't know what's in the cauldron, and it makes a lot of steam. Looks pretty cool.


They also have a sorting hat, and it told me I'm Ravenclaw, but the hat spoke in Hungarian (of course, lol), so the waitress had to translate. By the way, Hungarian! Good God, what a difficult language!


So, anyway, the place was cute, and I ordered a green waffle that's called Orc Treat. It was sprinkled with so many gummy bears that I chewed for ages, and it was so sweet that I could barely eat half of it before I passed it to my boyfriend.



I had a good time, and I feel great at 35. Let's see how I'll feel next year, when I move closer to 40. And then closer, and closer... It's going to be an interesting journey.

What's less great is that my boyfriend caught a cold, and now he's passed it on to me, and I woke up today with a headache and a stuffy nose, and I can't stop sneezing. Oh, joy!

In other news, the first Monster Hearts box set is LIVE on Amazon today, and of course, available to read in Kindle Unlimited. If you haven't read this series yet, this is a great opportunity to read the first three books in a row. And if you've read the series and want to own it, the price is really low, and it will stay this way for the rest of the month.

Orc, Naga, Kraken (Monster Hearts, Volume One)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon CA


Heart of an Orc – fresh out-of-college lab assistant and a big, cinnamon orc!

Heart of a Naga – snake whisperer faced with a naga prince!

Heart of a Kraken – marine vet treats a many-tentacled kraken!

*** ***

You can pre-order the second box set, which contains the next three books in the series. It will be live next Saturday, April 29.

Minotaur, Gargoyle, Centaur (Monster Hearts, Volume Two)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon CA


Heart of a Minotaur – space station technician frees a captive minotaur!

Heart of a Gargoyle – scientist falls in love with a gargoyle prince!

Heart of a Centaur – alien hunter is captured by a centaur!

*** ***

This is all for today. I hope you enjoyed the cat pictures! I would so love to have a cat, but I live in a rented house, and I tend to move often, and travel, and I just think it would be so stressful for the cat to deal with all of it. Pets definitely need a safe, consistent environment, and I feel like I wouldn't be able to provide that at the moment. They're like kids, after all.

Now I'll go take some pills and make myself some tea. I hope this cold doesn't get worse, cause I really don't have time for it.

See you next week!

