I'm writing a free story, and here's an excerpt!

Jun 19, 2021 11:44 pm

Hey there! How are you? I hope you had a nice week. It's been so hot here this week that I spent most of my time in the backyard, soaking up the sun. I wrote too, of course. And I thought I should update you on my writing a little.

Well, I'm working on a story that is going to be free. And the second it's ready and I have the cover, I'll upload it on StoryOrigin and share it with you guys. If you're on my newsletter list, you're entitled to it!

Why am I writing a story that will be free, you're probably wondering... Seeing how I took a break in May, I needed something to help me get back into my writing routine, and I felt like I wasn't ready for a novel. If you've kept up with my emails, you probably know that May was a really hard month for me, what with traveling and dealing with the fiscal audit (which, by the way, is over and everything is fine), and I only managed to settle down and relax a bit in the second week of June. I needed a project that was quick, fun, and would get me going again, so I thought I should use a writing prompt that has been making the rounds online for two years or so. If you're on Facebook, I bet you've seen it a few times, even shared it.


I always thought "OMG I want to read this story!" So why not write it? It's going to be funny, steamy, and short. I don't know how short yet, but we'll see. Bite-sized. Might take you an hour to read it. And I won't put it up on Amazon, but I'll share it with all my readers.

Here's a short excerpt. I edited it quickly, but it's still a rough draft, so excuse any typos.

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Demon. How did I know that was what he was? There was this feeling deep inside me, deep in my gut and my very bones... I was looking at a creature of Hell.

"Chicken soup?" He said the words in such a way that he made me believe that he either had no idea what it was, or just found it disgusting. "Chicken soup?!"

"I... I..." On auto-pilot, my fingers were riffling through the pages of my grandma's cookbook.

He leaned over me, his golden eyes turned to slits. He was fuming, but holding himself back.

"Chicken soup," he said once more, his tone low and incredulous now.

"It's a... erm... made of vegetables, like carrots and potatoes, and... erm... chicken breast?"

His eyes darted straight to my generous bosom. I was wearing a loose, casual shirt, with most of its buttons undone. I loved it because it was soft and covered my butt, which... as much as I liked my butt in yoga pants, the stretchy material did make it look a little... too much.

"N-no... not that kind of... erm... breast," I found myself mumbling as I blushed to the tips of my ears.

"I know what chicken soup is." He moved his piercing eyes back to my face, and slightly cocked his head to one side.

How was he so handsome?! How was I still able to stand upright?! It was all a mystery. I hadn't yet ruled out the possibility that I might've been dreaming or hallucinating. The stress and pressure I'd been under lately must've gotten to me.

"Send me back," he said.

My neck was starting to hurt from looking up at him, so I took a few steps back, until my lower back hit the edge of the sink. I closed the cookbook and gently squeezed it to my chest. It was just wide enough to cover my indecent cleavage.

"I don't know how you got here in the first place." It was a miracle I could form coherent sentences. My mouth was dry, but I didn't dare reach for the glasses behind me and fill one with tap water.

He narrowed his intense eyes at me once more. "You summoned me. That's how I got here in the first place."

I shook my head. "Impossible. I was making chicken soup. I swear to G..."

He stuck his finger in the air. "Don't."


"Say. That. Name."

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It should be ready next week! And next week I'll probably get the cover too. I'm super excited about this, and can't wait to see what my designer comes up with. Until then, I chose some hot book recommendations for you. Like... really hot. Just look at the covers!

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Free to read


Lucia’s humanity is a small price to pay for the eternal glory of immortality, even if it could lead to her eternal damnation. When she enters into a pact to transform from an ordinary human into the only vampire with influence over magic, suddenly nothing is sacred. She plots to take over the vampire throne, ensuring she gains the power she so desperately craves. But Lucia cannot rule with blood on her hands, someone must take the blame.

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Read Bram now


Aspiring Detective, Zara Torres has landed the case of a lifetime with multiple bodies drained of blood. But hunting the killer exposes a dark secret from her past, and delivers her into the arms of an immortal dragon who claims she is his mate.

With the death toll escalating, Zara’s latent magic rises to bond with the sexy dragon intent on protecting her. But can she embrace her supernatural powers before she falls prey to the creature determined to destroy her?

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Read True Angel now


Humans look at Camiel and think that he’s an angel… until his black wings unfurl and it’s all, “Oh, no! Demon!”

Yeah. Not quite.

Cam is an Othersider. Which, okay, just means that he’ll eventually be one of the two… just not yet. Formally known as the Fallen, Othersiders walk—and, yes, also fly—among the humans, knowing that their every step, their every move, their every thought adds to their tally. If he’s good, he’ll finally earn his halo.

If he’s bad…

He’s working damn hard to resist any urges to be bad.

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Read Dance with Darkness now


For sixteen years Enyowas has taken care of his family. As the Tom of the Spokane Spite Cat clan, he also runs the city's Enforcement for preternatural protection—a secret organization that protects supes and humans from the predators that would hunt them.

When a series of strange events leads to his sister’s death and the realization that there's a serial killer on the loose, the guilt piles up.

All Enyowas wants is to be left alone to grieve, but when he’s asked to help out a rare female leopard shifter who's in trouble, he finds himself unable to say no. Though determined to do what needs to be done and leave, he's not prepared for how she makes him feel. How she makes him want something he never thought to have.

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More steamy PNR books


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Have an awesome weekend!

