"I will burn this place down for you" - Mason

Jan 10, 2024 3:00 pm

Guarded by the Golem is here! Woohoo! Happy release day to me! I hope you're ready for this massive beast of a man. LOL His skin is made of stone, and he burns from the inside. He literally shows his emotions through fire.

Fresh new release

Read it in Kindle Unlimited

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As soon as I opened my eyes, a pain like I’d never felt before exploded between my temples. My vision was blurry. I blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what was happening to me. I was surrounded by darkness, I was cold, so stiff that I could barely move, and the pain started seeping through all the muscles in my body. I was lying on the floor, with just a thin mattress to protect me from the rough cement. My shoulders were stiff, and when I tried moving my arms, I realized I was restricted. I felt the bite of metal on my wrists, and panic gripped my chest.

I was cuffed.

Gathering all the strength I could muster, I rolled onto my side and pulled at my restraints. It didn’t take me long to realize that the chain was bolted to the floor, a few feet from where my head rested on the old, smelly mattress. I groaned, my head spinning, but I had to push through the panic. Now that I was awake, I couldn’t just lie here and accept this. Whatever this was.

I knew what it was. I’d been kidnapped.


“I heard something,” I said. I did my best to keep my voice steady. “Do you have a woman in there? A woman who’s crying?”

His shoulders tensed, but that was the only reaction he showed.

“That’s none of your business,” he said.

“Is she in there by choice? Because if not, I don’t think I can do this job, Dr. Lockwood. If it means hurting someone...”

“Please. You hurt people all the time.”

“To protect my clients, yes.”

“This job is no different from the others you did,” he said.

“If you’re holding a woman against her will and you hired me to make sure she doesn’t escape, it’s different. This is not the kind of job I do.”

“Why not?”

“It doesn’t sit well with me. It’s against my principles.”


Happy reading!

