Pics of Wed to the Lynx at the cat shelter!
Oct 09, 2024 1:19 pm
Hey, my Wylde-lings! I wanted to share some pictures with you (that I shared on Facebook, but I know not everyone is on social media - which is actually healthy!). You know how Wed to the Lynx is a charity book... Last month, the cat shelter in my city received the first round of donations (the book was published in June, but Amazon pays after 60 days), and this month, they will get the second round. I took the paperback to the shelter, and I managed to take some pretty awesome pictures with the kitties that were kind enough to sit still. LOL
This is Captain Jack
Bushi, who is blind, poor baby, but he could tell the lady on the cover is very special.
This is Ava
Tim is utterly confused
And Batman is very serious about the sniff test
Hope you enjoy these pictures! There are currently over 50 cats at the shelter. The temperatures have dropped in Romania, so the cats are snuggling inside, where it's warm.
Wed to the Lynx is still in Kindle Unlimited. If you haven't read it yet, go grab it. And in terms of new releases, the October round of Monster Security Agency starts next week, with Guarded by the Nightmare, by Cassie Alexander. Then, it's gonna be Guarded by the Reaper on October 23, by yours truly, and on October 30, Guarded by the Phantom, by Layla Fae. Soon now. Very soon!