Toghat the Vile is here!

Dec 26, 2022 3:20 pm

Hey everyone! I did promise I'd be dropping into your Inbox again when Toghat went live. Today is the day! You can get snowbound with this sexy, ultra protective orc, and enjoy a cozy Christmas with him.

I loved writing this story! Especially since it's not snowing here, and we have a bleak, boring Christmas, so it was nice to escape to a place where it snows, and the fire crackles in the fireplace, and it's cold outside, and warm inside...

I have to move, you guys. To a country and a city where winter is actually pretty. The place where I live now looks apocalyptical in winter, and is too hot in summer. I see everyone on Facebook sharing pictures of wonderful winter wonderlands they see outside their windows, and I'm over here... like... I won't even take pictures of what I see outside my window because it's embarrassing. LOL I see a parking lot and a 24/7 car wash. How am I even still inspired to write books? LOL

I vicariously live through the awesome pictures my readers and other authors post on Facebook.

Anyway, back to Toghat!

Give it a read, and let me know what you think! You can find it in Kindle Unlimited.

Toghat the Vile (Orc Mates)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon CA


Snowbound with Toghat the Vile - a sweet Christmas novella

Isabella Jensen is in over her head. She should've never gone hiking with her friends in the snowy mountains of Utah. With no training for this kind of physical effort, she fell behind, and then a snowstorm hit out of the blue. Now she's lost, and with every passing minute, her chances of survival are quickly dropping to zero. She doubts her friends will come back for her, and when she sees a massive creature heading her way, she panics. She thinks it's a bear and runs in the opposite direction. The creature has no trouble catching her, and that's when she realizes... It's not a bear. It's an orc on one of those huge beasts they ride into battle.

Toghat the Vile is on his way to one of those institutes for orc tributes. After years of loneliness, he thinks it's time to take a bride. Since orc females are scarce, a human one will have to do. A snowstorm derails him, and when he hears someone cry for help, he decides to investigate. He stumbles onto a human female who's lost, cold, and terrified of him. Now that he's found her, he can't leave her. He takes her with him, kicking and screaming, and finds shelter. Until the snowstorm passes, he will show her that all he wants is to take care of her.

*** ***

And I have a surprise for you! I have decided to change the cover for Grimor the Joyless! Woohoo! I've been planning on it for a while now, and I'm so glad I finally did it. I uploaded the new eBook and paperback covers today, but you know how Amazon is... it will take it a minute to update the covers and show the new ones. And by a minute, I mean around a week or so.

Let me show you the new cover!


What do you think? I believe it's way better than the old one. I'll let you know when Amazon updates the eBook and paperback. They say my changes went through a few hours ago, but that doesn't appear to mean anything.

Well, I'm off to work. The plan for this week is to write a novella for an anthology that releases next year, and to also plot a book that I'll be writing next year. Why am I working so hard on the last week of December? I want to take January off. It won't be a real break, because I'm traveling to London, where I will give a presentation at a writer's conference, but it will be a break from writing romance.

I'm very excited about London! I'll make sure to take a bunch of pictures and show you. I've never been... This is my first time, and I'm sure the weather will suck, but I'm determined to make the best of it.

Talk to you soon,

