Want to be featured on our website? 💻

Apr 13, 2023 2:06 am


Hey there, Security Researchers 👋🏽

We hope y'all are having an awesome day, wherever you're based.

So, we're in the process of revamping our website before the big public launch and we wanna showcase 5 badass security researchers on our website and our Medium Blog.

If you wanna be one of them (which, why wouldn't you?), just hit us up by replying to this email and giving us:

  • Your full name
  • A high-quality pic of yourself
  • Your qualifications/certifications
  • Your experience in the industry or as a bug hunter, including any hall of fame or achievements
  • Your story of how you got into the security researcher game
  • One piece of advice you'd give to new researchers

Oh, and one more thing - make sure you reply to this email by the 22nd of this month. We'll be reviewing all the submissions and letting y'all know if you've been selected.

Exciting stuff, right?!

Have a great day ahead!

CTB Team
