Looseleaf Cannon: the work happiness paradox

Sep 14, 2020 8:07 am

Happy (week of) Labor Day!

4 updates from me, & then I'll introduce the Work Happiness Paradox.


  1. If the newsletter looks different this week, I switched from Substack to SendFox. Why? 1) I'm excited for both its features & its simplicity, and 2) I don't need a Substack-hosted blog anymore.
  2. One of the features I'm excited for is a referral program. Get your own referral code at the bottom of the email & start sharing! You'll get a shout-out in the newsletter for every referral, and there will also be cool rewards like access to community events. Hmu with other ideas for rewards!
  3. Not only a new format, but also new vision for the newsletter: each week starting next Sunday, I'm going to introduce a new business idea, & share how I'd market & launch it. Creativity translates easily across all areas of life, so you'll find creative takeaways for your own projects & work, as I will for BirdyBots.
  4. My email courses have officially launched! I especially recommend the LinkedIn course here!

The Work Happiness Paradox:

Even though 85% of people report being satisfied with their jobs, a similar 85% of people are unhappy at work.

How to account for this seeming contradiction? People are satisfied with being unhappy at work. Office Space, The Office, & The IT Crowd have lowered our expectations of work as a society. We're fine with monotonous tasks, uninteresting company visions, unmotivated colleagues, & disrespectful bosses because we don't think work is supposed to be any better.

Luckily, society is wrong. Work is supposed to & can be meaningful. That's why I'm busy writing on Labor Day. I enjoy what I do & get to celebrate it today.

See you next Sunday with the new format for the Looseleaf Cannon!


Note: If you no longer want to receive the newsletter, just reply & let me know.

If you want to be removed from everything, i.e. my newsletter & my free courses, just click "unsubscribe" at the bottom.
