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Nov 29, 2021 6:14 am

Readers love the Arch Mage Series!


Order Fourth Earth Now!

We're getting such good feedback on the launch and sales of my books this weekend. I already received an email from one fan about Fourth Earth. They can't wait for False Earth, the fifth book in the series.

Have you had a chance to pick up a copy of any of my books? I love hearing from readers and fans!

BONUS: here's a fun series I ran into...

Portal Fantasy / Sci-Fi series


From Book 1: "They're after you. But which you...?"

Mistaken for her imperiled, notorious genius scientist alter ego, Laney's accidental trip to a parallel world could very quickly turn very deadly.

Dr. Laney Carter is a Nobel-prize-winning physicist, awarded for her groundbreaking experimental research on string theory and quantum universes, and then led her team to successfully develop the first working prototype allowing safe, stable and educational inter-dimension travel.

Two months ago, she disappeared. So did the prototype.

So, why are there government trackers hunting down seventeen-year-old average high school student Laney Carter in this parallel universe?

She's totally not a genius, but maybe with the help of one tall, hot, and brooding Noah Donovan, she'll figure it out in time. Before all the worlds end. Or before they manage to delete her from existence...

A unique, fast-paced sci-fi adventure. Mistaken identities. Parallel worlds. Government conspiracies. Out of time. Save the multiverse. Save yourself. Don't get erased. Ready?

$.99 SALE!


Holy Guacamole! Talk about eye candy. Check out this collection of Fantasy and SciFi books and a giveaway. Click below to discover over 200+ free, discounted, and Kindle Unlimited Fantasy and Sci-fi books and enter for your chance to win a Kindle Fire, a one-month gift subscription to Owlcrate, and a $10 Starbucks gift card!

Click Here!

Supporting other authors

Here are some giveaways and sales that I have entered to promote my books. Just a word of caution... I have not read these and cannot vouch for content. While I try and swap with clean ya fantasy authors, there are all kinds of genres and heat levels that you'll have to decide for yourself.



Cozy up with New Worlds!

The temperature is dropping in many areas; time to settle in with a soft blanket or your favorite hoodie and get lost in an epic saga ... or a few! Treat yourself.

So many good looking reads! Click here.


Follow some amazing authors on social media and enter to win hardback print copies of Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff, Trickster’s Choice by Tamora Pierce, and Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo + a $50 Amazon gift card!

Click Here!


Subscribe to today’s bestselling authors for a chance to win print copies of The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh, Fawkes by Nadine Brandes, Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, plus a Lord of the Rings journal and travel mug, Remus Lupin candle, The Way of Kings enamel pin, Medusa sticker, and an Addie LaRue double-sided bookmark.




Subscribe to today’s bestselling authors for a chance to win the 3-book paperback box set of Mistborn, and books 1-3 of The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson, plus the official Mistborn adventure game, Vin Mistborn art print, ”Airsick Lowlander” sticker, Mistborn candle, doomslug socks, and Sanderson quote spiral journal.

Enter Here!


November YA Fantasy and Fairytales ends 11/30

Click Here!


Get these while the last!

Click Here!

Happy reading!

