20% Off the Buddha’s Birthday Collection | Vajra Bodhi Sea Subscriptions

May 20, 2021 3:46 am


20% Off the Buddha’s Birthday Collection 

In honor of Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthday today, our featured collection below is discounted at 20% off until June 18, 2021. Browse the Limited Edition section of our homepage to find this collection among other books on sale.

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Sutra Texts

The Surangama Sutra - With Excerpts from the Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua (New edition) gives instruction in the correct understanding of the Buddha-nature, which is the potential within all beings for becoming a Buddha. 

PRICE: $23.96 $29.95

Also available as a free download

Shurangama Mantra (Text only with a brief introduction) 楞嚴咒全文 - 誦本 (附宣公上人開示:天地靈文楞嚴咒) is one of the mantras recited every day during the daily morning ceremonies at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Includes pinyin romanization. 

PRICE: $3.96 $4.95


Sutra Texts with Commentary 

The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra, also known as the Diamond Sutra, is Shakyamuni Buddha’s stunning answer to his disciple Subhuti’s question about enlightenment. Includes commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. 

PRICE: $7.96 $9.95

The Sutra In 42 Sections Spoken by the Buddha is a short yet important sutra that gives us a picture of the entire range of the Buddha’s teachings, from the basic to the profound.  

PRICE: $7.16 $8.95


Children’s Books: The Life of the Buddha 

Under The Bodhi Tree is a richly illustrated, historically accurate version of the Buddha's life. 

PRICE: $6.36 $7.95

The Truly Awakened One 真正的覺者 uses simple sentences in English and Chinese and vivid illustrations to tell about the life of the Buddha. 

PRICE: $3.96 $4.95


Children’s Books: Jataka Tales 

The jataka tales tell the stories of Shakyamuni Buddha’s previous lives. 

Come Back, O Tiger! - The Buddha appears as a wise tree spirit to teach that every being is a living part of the earth and has its place in nature. 

PRICE: $5.56 $6.95

No Words: Teachings of the Buddha - A Treasury of Buddhist Jataka Stories and Values - In this collection of stories, the Buddha explains how to develop good character through wisdom, kindness, generosity, patience, and other such qualities.

PRICE: $5.56 $6.95

The Giant Turtle King - In a past life, Shakyamuni Buddha was a huge turtle who crawled onto the beach for a nap and was mistaken for a mountain by people who built their homes and shops on his back. There is also a bilingual version of this title in English and Chinese: The Giant Turtle King (E/C) 大龜王 (英/中).

PRICE: $3.96 $4.95

Golden Feather 金羽毛 - This book is part of a series of Jataka tales based on compassion for animals and respect for the earth. It is retold in simple words, in English and Chinese, and has appealing pictures that children can color. 

PRICE: $3.16 $3.95


Vajra Bodhi Sea Subscriptions

Vajra Bodhi Sea, the official bilingual (English and traditional Chinese) magazine of DRBA, publishes a new issue every month. Its content includes articles pertaining to the latest events happening around the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and branch monasteries around the world, new translations of Mahayana Buddhist texts, commentaries from Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, and more. By subscribing online, you will receive a new copy of Vajra Bodhi Sea each month for the duration you have selected. International subscriptions are available.

Vajra Bodhi Sea

We hope that everyone has a wonderful Buddha’s Birthday!

