Backyard Oasis course STARTING SOON
Sep 05, 2024 2:01 pm
Are you ready to make more income? Help members in your community? Learn fool-proof strategies to increase your net worth? Then the virtual Backyard Oasis course, taught by Prof. Bruce M Firestone, PhD. is here for you. This is a rare opportunity for you to gain high quality knowledge from the very best in the business. The last time Prof. Bruce taught this course was a few years ago and there may or may not be another one after this. This is an incredible opportunity for you gain insight on the latest real estate trends.
Interested in studying with Prof Bruce later this month? Now is the time to sign-up for the Backyard Oasis course. Click here for your enrollment form:
The course starts Thursday, September 19th at noon ET and is about 90-minutes long but, for the people who know Prof. Bruce well, it might go a few mins past the hour and a half. You can download the full schedule from:
Your investment in this course, in yourself and in your future is $650 CAD plus HST but you can share this with a friend or colleague; that is, add a +1 for free.
Unable to make a session? Classes are recorded and you can watch at your convenience. The course ends after five lectures on October 24th. Professor Bruce supports all students via email during and afterwards, so ask questions! Don't be shy. If you'd like to learn some really cool stuff including what we are doing now with TEENY TINY TOWNS, well now's the time to join!
If you know anyone who might benefit from this, please feel free to forward this on. If you don't want to register, can you please help by unsubscribing to this list. Thank you.
Last thing, the course description is also available from Dropbox,
Hope to see you there!
Kindest personal regards,
Prof Bruce
Bruce M Firestone, B Eng (civil), M Eng-Sci, PhD
Real Estate Investment and Business coach
Ottawa Senators founder
ROYAL LePAGE Performance Realty broker