Breaking Freelance #024 - 🤑 You're selfish! 🙊

Oct 28, 2020 2:47 pm

(blowing off steam email)

"All you care about is money."

"Why would anyone pay you for THAT!?"

"How can you be that stupid and quit your job?"

"You will remember this when you fail - let me know when you do".

"You are just selfish!"

Sound familiar?

I'm fairly positive that you were at a receiving end of these types of "compliments" at some point in your life because you are not "as everyone else". I know I have.

From girlfriends, 'friends', and people who just like to crap on other people's ideas. It would be best if you didn't let those people bring you down. Either get them on board with you or get rid of them - and prove them wrong.


Every time I heard "You can't do that" made me want to do it more. I'm wired like that. You might even say "spiteful". Yes. Spiteful towards negative people.

"It not as easy as you think."

We know that. We are not doing it because it's easy. We do it because we know it will get us to where we want to be, and it will be worth it. People who know what success means to them, define their goals, and then put in the time and work to achieve them shouldn't be bothered by what others have to say.

Why there are so many people rooting against those trying to build something of their own is beyond me. I see a trend of hostility towards freelancers and entrepreneurs online, we are somehow to blame that those pointing the finger didn't "make it", and we "just got lucky".

"There's more to life than money!"

Of course, there is more to life than money! There's also more to life than struggling to pay bills and put food on the table!

When I started my career, it was not (only) for the money. And for a long time, there was little to no money and a lot of struggle. But there were things that I hold more important than the money that I still prioritise every day.

Freedom to do what you want, when you want, to travel where you want and choose who you work with. Freedom to spend time with people you care about when they need you. All that is worth so much more than money, at least to me.

"You have changed."

Is something I hear a lot from people I knew a long time ago, and haven't seen for a reason. They say it like it's a bad thing; not realising that the goal was always to change, to grow, to be better, to develop and reinvent myself.

Yes, I've changed. My priorities changed. My opinions and views on a lot of subjects have changed! Change is not something terrible - but it's perceived like that by most people. Like there is something wrong with learning new things and then changing your beliefs. That's called progress. I always want to be changing! Change is man's best friend.

This is why I have zero respect for critics, or just random people reviewing movies, theatres, music, whatever — bunch of haters who for the most part never made anything worth mentioning in their life. Pay no attention to those people! Make up your own mind.

Next time someone hates on your idea - give them this 🖕 tell them it's from me, and I have a bag full of them if they ever run out.

Have a great day!


Tom Kozacinski, sir Freelance-a-lot 🙃

Hit reply on this email - I read all of them, and respond over coffee :) for real.



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psssst... thanks for sharing! :) I really appreciate it!
