Breaking Freelance #021 - ⌚ Turn back the clock?

Oct 25, 2020 1:37 pm

If I could turn back time.
If I could find a way.

If I could tell my past self one thing

Today we "gained" an hour. Got me thinking - how much time would I save, or better, how much time I wouldn't waste if I listened to smarter and more experienced people sooner?

When I started my business, I was a young hothead that wanted to do and figure out everything by himself. No books. Few tutorials. A lot of banging my head against a wall that I could've avoided easily. IF. I. ONLY. LISTENED.

There are people you will come across in life who genuinely wish you well and can help you on your journey of growing yourself and your career. Be patient with them, follow their advice when they are willing to supply it. If only for a short while - it costs you nothing - and it can shave off months if not years of your progress and get you faster where you wish to be.

Do not listen to people holding you back!

Don't confuse people trying to help you with people holding you back. Often times they can see as one and the same, but they are very much different.

There are times when a close friend or a parent may say something along the lines of "That's risky, It's better for you to stay at your safe job". "Are you sure you want to do this? You might fail.". "Almost all ideas never work out."

They think they are looking out for you. And it comes from a place of love for you, and they don't want to see you get hurt. And that's Ok.

Say thank you - and go on your merry fucking way! And do it anyway!

Enjoy your 25 hour Sunday! 🔥 😌


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psssst... thanks for sharing! :) I really appreciate it!
