One year’s flexing and enjoying for 30 years of SUCCESS?

May 19, 2021 4:20 pm

Dear , WILL YOU TRADE: One year’s flexing and enjoying for 30 years of SUCCESS?

Faster, faster, the year's speed by - yet work drags and your goal seems still so distant that fear grips your heart.

You ask yourself-- “Will I ever get there? Or will I get there too late?’’. And you see yourself finally winning success, an old man trying to enjoy the reward which only the younger man can only appreciate. 

You know what the next ten years are likely to be called “barren years”- Some will call it 'experience years! 

Business demands- and pays-trained men. But business leaves it to you whether you prepare yourself through a long routine or short cut with specialized training. 

You can actually trade a year’s spare-time study for ten years of routine experience.

You know the kind of experience-knowledge that most men spend years of labor to get.

This is no idle statement, but a fact-established by records in our files.


I knew an accountant who spent 35 years working in an accounting firm earning very high without upgrading their skills. He thought working in his field was the same as improving in knowledge.

Experience Got Him nowhere training solved his problem. 

If the day-by-day experience was enough for success, my friend should have been a world-beater. After secondary school and part of a university course, he had been in the Navy, in a bank, in a department store, and in a wholesale grocery- and in each had made a good record.

But when he substituted specialized skills training in Oil & GAS, he moved up. 

Today, he is a Mud engineer and worked for many corporations. In telling of it, he adds, “I know that without the help of professional training I would not have made it to the present point.”

Where will 2022 find you?

Five, ten years from now, will you be holding a responsible position or will you still be gathering “experience”?

The choice is yours. The decision rests in your hands-this very instant. What are you going to do about it? 

Take the old-traveled road of experience, if you wish. It has led you to merry out all right.

We hope it will-but we know through the records of some 830,000 men- that long before you reach the end of the long road of experience, some other man will take the “shortcut” of specialized training and beat you to your goal!

If you don’t want them to beat you to is what I want you to know

Do you know that working on a Rig is one of the most lucrative and interesting jobs?

What if I told you that in a day you could be equipped with a high in-demand skill that guarantees you a job and as a professional, too on a Rig?

Let me invite you for training in Mud Engineering for just 20 people

Here are some benefits from exploring Mud Engineering:

1. Mud Engineering will give you an overview of drilling operations carried out on a rig site

2. Mud Engineering will help you understand Drilling Optimization

3. Mud Engineering is the best training ground for a future Wellsite Geologist or Drilling Engineer.

4. Mud Engineering provides insight on well control operations, the safety of life, and assets on a rig site.

Training holds on the 7th of June 2021

The venue will be disclosed to paid and registered students only.

To register for this training please WhatsApp or send Full name, phone numbers, and location to +2349084991700 to book your slot.

Talk soon

Mr. Femi & Team

P.S: Please note due to the pandemic we can only accommodate 10 persons for each session.
