Tuesday Update!

Mar 05, 2025 4:46 pm

Hi everyone! I finished my taxes!!! I've never been so happy to have finished them LOL. When I went to college I was a business major and I thought I wanted to be a bookkeeper. I don't know why I wanted to do that because I hate math, but it has helped me in doing my own books, even if I REALLY hate it. Did I say I hate it?

Here's the latest news!

imageHeart of Ice


Max Hofstedder has been recruited to the Sacramento Titans as a third string goalie and even if he doesn’t get to play a game this season, he’s thrilled. On opening night at their new stadium, he gets the chance he hopes for when the first- and second-string goalies are both out with injuries. After the first period he’s fighting to stay in the game.

Ruben Franklin is the Titan’s team doctor and after the team suffers multiple injuries, he’s thrown headfirst into a job he’s unfamiliar with but is ready for the challenge. One of the more seriously injured is the one and only goalie.

As Max is treated for his injuries by Ruben, he tries hard not to let on how badly he’s hurt, but Ruben isn’t easily fooled. When they finally get some time alone outside the stadium, they both realize there might be more between them than the team doctor treating an injured player.

Heart of Ice is a slow burn, MM Hockey Romance.


Leaving Soon!


The Candy Hearts Anthology is in KU!!!

I’ve got a March surprise for you! The Candy Hearts LGBTQIA2S+ anthology is now available in Kindle Unlimited! You have until March 31 to get your hands on this collection of 23 low-angst stories all about wrong numbers at Valentine’s Day.

The Candy Hearts Anthology will be available for a limited time, and all proceeds will benefit the Rainbow Railroad (@RainbowRailroad).

Learn more about the authors and stories at https://CandyHeartsAnthology.com

Find it on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Candy-Hearts-LGBTQIA2S-Charity-Anthology-ebook/dp/B0DT7RVQ2V

or buy direct from the authors at https://CandyHeartsAnthology.com

Sixteen or Ninety-One

BL Maxwell

Spencer Cline is tired of being alone, but he also loves his job and works way too many hours. Something he’s not ready to change.

Jake Raines owns his own restaurant and knows what it’s like to put time in to make your business a success. Now he’s trying to learn how to balance the time he works with time to meet someone.

Spencer and Jake are drawn to each other instantly when they meet at a New Year’s Eve mixer. When a wrong number ensures they’ll have a little extra time together, they’re more than willing to take a chance on each other. Can two workaholics find time for each other in their busy schedules? With a little help from a wrong number, they just might.



Trolling For Love

BL Maxwell

Trolling for Love Preorder: https://books2read.com/TrollingForLove

Series link: https://mybook.to/MonsterMatchS2

Looking for love isn't easy when you're an antisocial troll.

Gunnar has existed near the border of the monster world in the wilds of Iceland for centuries, only straying into the human world occasionally out of boredom. He finds many of their belongings they’ve dropped while exploring. One of those items was a cellphone and after attempting to figure out how it works, Gunnar finds an app that intrigues him, Monster Match.

Flynn Davies has worked in the lumber industry since he was old enough to apply, but working in the woods can be lonely, and he spends more and more time scrolling the mysterious app he’s heard so much about. When he begins to chat with a mysterious creature, he wonders if there could be a perfect match for him that’s not human.

The past decade has been lonely for Gunnar, and he longs for someone to share his life with, even if that means changing his life. When he arrives at Elder Ridge, he quickly realizes how different life is here, but maybe the annoying human he’s been chatting with can help him learn more about this strange new world.

Monster Match is a multi author series with 10 amazing authors writing 10 amazing stories about monsters matching with the perfect human for them! This is a shared world series but all books can be read as standalones.



Preorder for June 23 Release!


Camping 101

BL Maxwell

Covers by: Covers By Jo

Gavin Johnson has been camping as long as he can remember. His family spent a few weeks every summer either on the coast of California or in the forests of the Sierra enjoying the simple life and getting closer to nature. Which is why when he had the opportunity to buy Camp Acorn where he’d worked in his twenties, he jumped at the chance.

Wyatt Jackson loves his life. He has everything he wants or needs at home. But he starts to crave change. He wants a new start, and new experiences. When he sees an ad for a camp for adults nestled deep in the Sierra, he registers for a two-week stay before he has the chance to change his own mind, and quickly regrets that decision.

Staying in a cabin for two weeks is supposed to be an adventure, but Wyatt soon realizes it’s far from luxurious, and there’s also poison oak, bugs, and rattlesnakes to watch out for. Gavin is always there to lend a hand and really wants them all to have fun. Afterall, that’s what Camp Acorn is all about, teaching adults how to have fun and survive in the wilderness, even if they complain the whole time.

Welcome to Pride Camp where diversity and inclusion is our motto. We’ve got daddies, mommies, littles, pets and families of all kinds. So, unroll your sleeping bag, make a couple of smores, and enjoy the show!



Remember Always


Link Stanton has been in love with Andy Lawson since they were in high school, and telling Andy he loved him was one of the biggest risks he’d ever taken. Now they’re happier than ever, engaged and living together in the small town of Occident.

Andy’s hesitant to give up the job in the city he worked so hard for, but the more time he spends with Link in their hometown the harder it is to go back to Sacramento to work. The town he couldn’t wait to leave has now become a refuge from the big city life he thought he wanted.

Link is happy, but there’s one more thing he wants to do, and he’ll need help from all their friends and family to pull it off. He asks Andy to marry him one more time but this time he’s got a date, and it’s only a couple of days away. It’s a lot to ask, but if they all pitch in, it’ll be as special as Link and Andy deserve. A friends to lovers small town romance..


imageHappy Read an Ebook Week! To help you find a book to celebrate, you can find my entire collection for 50% off at @Smashwords from March 2 - March 8. Find my books and many more at https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/BLMaxwell862

#ebookweek25 #Smashwords



The Snake in The Castle

Sixteen-year-old Jayden Sutton is looking forward to time off from school for spring break. Lots of time to sleep-in and take it easy. When a last-minute chance trip to Cancun presents itself, Jayden and his family are all excited to go. The idea of a week at the beach sounds like heaven, and he can’t wait to see what else there is to do at the tropical paradise.

Hadwin Patil lives in Cancun with his family. His father has passed down his love and knowledge of their Maya heritage, and for Hadwin it’s more than a passing interest. When he spots a red-haired boy about his age on a tour of the ancient city of Chichén Itzá, he’s drawn to him, and soon they’re enjoying the sites together with his unique insights and knowledge.

A chance meeting or fate, only the two of them can decide if it lasts longer than Jayden’s vacation. A Young Adult novel centered around the Spring Equinox, the magic of Chichén Itzá, and young love.

#younglove #youngadult #friendstolovers #LGBTyoungadult #comingofage



Cake Clash

Having a successful bakery and cake decorating business was everything Chef Jos wanted, or so he thought. Until he was confronted with a past he’d hoped to forget.

Finn Leighton has been granted the chance of a lifetime. To compete on Cake Clash, a reality cooking show with a cash prize that would help make his dreams come true and allow him to make his small business the bakery of his dreams.

Little does Finn know that one of the celebrity judges is his lost love, Josiah.

When they’re faced with their past, both men realize there’s little point in denying their feelings. Elated with seeing Josiah again, he’s tempted by him, but also needs to focus on winning the competition. Caught on the set of a fast-paced show together, they’ll both need to decide if love is worth fighting for this time.

New Translation!


BL Maxwell & Nic Starr's 'The Stealth' is out now. 🤩

For example in our webshop:




Alexander Kingston war nicht dazu bestimmt, das East Territory Rudel anzuführen, aber das Schicksal hatte andere Pläne. Statt seines toten Bruders der nächste Alpha zu werden und die Erwartungen seines Vaters zu erfüllen, ist eine Herausforderung, die mit der Zeit immer schwieriger wird. Als sein Vater, der Alpha, sich weigert, Hilfe von außen anzunehmen, als einer der seinen an einer tödlichen Blutkrankheit erkrankt, muss Zander sich gegen seinen Vater stellen oder ein weiteres Rudelmitglied an den „Schleichenden Tod“ verlieren.

Marrok Blain gehört zum Rudel des Nordterritoriums. Mit seinem einzigartigen Wissen über den „Schleichenden Tod“, einer fortschreitenden Krankheit, die mit jeder Verwandlung langsam tötet, bietet er Hilfe an, wohl wissend, dass er auf Widerstand stoßen wird. Womit er nicht rechnet, ist die überwältigende Anziehungskraft, die von dem sturen, aber unbestreitbar attraktiven Sohn des Alpha des Ostterritoriums ausgeht.

Vier Rudel, die nebeneinander existieren, mit wachsenden Spannungen und einer genetischen Störung, die sie an die Gemeinsamkeit erinnert, die sie alle verbindet. Zander und Marrok sind der Schlüssel zu einer schwierigen Allianz.

Doch es gibt mehr als eine tödliche Bedrohung.


#deadsoftverlag #gayroman #gayromance #gaybücher #gaybücherdeutsch #queerebücher #lgbtbücher #schwulebücher #homoerotischeliteratur #loveislove
