Power Interruption in Seattle

Sep 24, 2022 9:31 pm


your online auction marketplace

Hello ,

Seattle has recently experienced a city-wide power interruption which has impacted access to the servers that host BlitzBidz.com. The host and city of Seattle are active in resolving the issue.

We will update you as to the status of today's auction by 5pm PST.

More information about the outage:

Report from the Seattle Data Center

24.09.2022 09:16 pm (UTC+2) Incident in Seattle Data Center

This may cause disruption to our VPS and Dedicated Server customers located in Seattle. We are experiencing an unexpected electricity issue in our Seattle Data Center. Once we will find out the reason, we will provide an update.

Outage information on Seattle.gov


We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and we will keep everyone updated as soon as we are alerted of the resolution.We are working diligently to ensure a smooth transistion once power is restored.

Please review our Terms & Conditions for any details regarding interruption of service here: https://blitzbidz.com/shop/terms

Thank you again for bidding with us.

Happy Bidding!

