[video] what the heck is an NFT event recording
Sep 24, 2021 1:59 am
I know things get busy and you may not have had the chance to tune in to our What the Heck is an NFT event we did with General Assembly a few weeks ago. But lucky for you, we thought ahead and recorded the session.
If you're interested in watching the Zoom recording for the 1-hour session complete with audio transcript then you can check it out here: https://bit.ly/3i0P0kX
We'll shoot you updates when we find other cool articles to share or have our next event coming up. Till then, enjoy.
P.S. The session starts on the 2nd recording so you can fast forward the first one. Zoom awkwardly recorded a clip right before we got started.
P.S.S. Also yes it's a Bit.ly link, but that's because Zoom creates outrageously long URLs for shared recordings that would get us flagged for S-P-A-M. And no one likes spam, in their email or kitchen.