Read This If You’re Struggling To Achieve Your Goals

Sep 23, 2022 11:05 am

Hi I know it’s been a while since I’ve written to you - and with good reason…

Behind the scenes, I’ve been SUPER busy working on some incredible content for you - content which is going to change the game for how you live your life…

I don’t say this lightly.

You see, I’ve spent almost two decades of my life studying the psychology of productivity and personal development from some of the best coaches and mentors in the world…

In my own personal life I’ve achieved some astonishing things including running several businesses, coaching clients, running a super successful podcast AND raising a young family all at the same time…

I’m grateful for my blessings, and the reason I’m sharing this with you is not to brag, but to inspire you…

You see, if you’re not where you want to be in life right now…

And you KNOW you’re capable of so much more…

And you keep missing your goals…

I promise it’s not your fault.

When I was younger, I too struggled with achieving my goals.

Every time I’d create my New Year’s Resolutions or dream of doing something big and set a goal to achieve it, I’d completely fall short.

It was frustrating as hell because I KNEW I could be so much more - and every time I missed my goal, it made me feel like a complete failure…

That is until I discovered the REAL secrets of being ultra-productive and a special formula for achieving even your high-hard goals with confidence…

It wasn’t until I started implementing these secrets that I saw my life completely turn around - and if these secrets can help me, they can help you too!

That’s why on Wednesday 28th September 2022 at 8:30pm (GMT+10:00) I’m running a very special webclass called ‘Halftime Hustle - How to SMASH Your 2023 Goals In Just 12 Weeks Even If You’ve Tried Everything Else Before & Failed!’

In it, you’re going to discover the #1 way to smash your goals with confidence and do it in a record-breaking 90 days WITHOUT any hacks, gimmicks or tricks…

The webclass will be LIVE and go for around 45 - 60 minutes with a chance to ask questions at the end - and yes, there WILL be a recording if you can’t make it!

All you need to do is register your interest here:

Yes! I Want To Smash My 2023 Goals!

See you there!

Michael Knight
