How money works, and how to make money work for you.

Jun 06, 2024 1:32 am

Good Wednesday Evening:

Americans are in trouble. A recent study found that 75% of Americans are in debt, 85% of them will retire broke, and 87% of Americans have NO estate plan.

When you don't understand how money works, and how money works for you, the odds are good that you're NOT going to make good money choices and experience good financial outcomes.

That's not a recipe for success!

Each generation (Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials) was shaped by the economic climate of that era. This shaped how they view money and make money choices. Each generation faced its own money challenges and woes.

America's public education system failed to teach us how money works and how to make money work for us - leaving us to figure it out on our own. As you can see from the stats I shared earlier, this didn't turn out too well for most Americans.

And you can't teach what you don't know, so a lack of financial literacy has continued for generations.

What's the solution?

For the past several months, I've been in the studio, recording a series of "Financial 101" video lessons. And I'd love to invite you to check out these nine lessons, entirely free of charge, to get your thoughts and feedback.

You'll find those lessons at Peace of Mind University. I created PMU over a decade ago to equip financial professionals with an educational resource to help improve the financial literacy of their clients so they could make better, more informed money choices.

Today, I've revamped the website as a Financial Education Hub for the general public. Inside, you'll learn some information about how each generation has used (or misused) money, along with a link to access a series of Financial Wellness Educational Videos - entirely FREE of charge.

So, please check out Financial Wellness 101 at the PMU website. This is the same content I've taught in Adult Education events on college campuses, in civic and community centers, and in churches across the United States for more than three decades.

And once you've done that, I'd welcome an email with your thoughts, and whether or not you found the video lessons of value to you or not.

Your feedback would be valuable as we look to launch this resource to a national audience.

Thank you for investing in yourself, and for your feedback.

Have a GREAT day!

