Baer Necessities (02/09/21)

Feb 09, 2021 6:36 pm


Howdy !

My name is Jonah Baer and this is the Baer Necessities โ€“ where I share the coolest things I find every week on health, wealth, & happiness.

I'm writing to 127 of you from my dining room in Memphis!

I hope everyone had a great Super Bowl Sunday a couple days ago. Whether you love or hate Tom Brady (I'm somewhere in the middle), the fact that he won a Super Bowl at age 43 is truly remarkable.

Alright, let's dive into the newsletter:

Just a couple things from me:

  • Newsletter Recommendation: Loose Cannon โ€“ If you're a marketer or an entrepreneur (or if you want to start a company), my friend Luke writes a weekly newsletter sharing a brand new business idea every week & how he'd launch it. Sign up here & get inspired with cool marketing ideas, & who knows, maybe you'll decide to start one of his ideas?
  • Bi-Weekly vs. Weekly Emails: Do you prefer receiving newsletters on a weekly basis or bi-weekly basis? Reply and let me know what you think!
  • It's been about a week since Ship 30 for 30 ended and now I'm planning out my future writing. I will likely start writing a weekly deep-dive on topics I'm obsessed with and posting notes from the books and podcasts I listen to on a regular basis.
  • As always, feel free to respond to this email and give me feedback - good and bad!

Here is what you will find in this week's email:


๐ŸŽง Podcast: Marc Randolph on the Tim Ferriss Show

Marc Randolph is the co-founder and previous CEO of Netflix, serial entrepreneur of 40+ years, and author of the international bestselling memoir That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea. This interview provided amazing insight into the mind behind one of the world's most innovative companies.

Some things you will learn:

  • He details some of the ideas he and Reed Hastings worked on before arriving at what we know today as Netflix.
  • What did the approach to Netflixโ€™s iteration look like in the early days, and what, in Marcโ€™s opinion, sets apart good entrepreneurs from mediocre ones?
  • How did Marc and Reed think about naming the company?

If you don't check out this longform podcast, make sure you read Marc's inspiring short blog post on why he decided to write a book on the Netflix founding story.

Listen to the full episode: Marc Randolph on the Tim Ferriss Show


โ˜๏ธ App I'm using: AirrQuote

It's an app where you can listen to podcasts and essentially save your favorite quotes from episodes you listen to.

Recommended by my friend Graham on a recent phone call, I decided to check it out. I've been looking for a better way to listen to podcast for years, and I believe this is the answer.

With AirrQuote, you're able to save highlights from the podcast episode as you go. Love a 30-second snippet? Just triple click on your Airpods or click the button on the app and you will automatically be able to save the transcribed notes to your phone. It's been a game changer in terms of note-taking on podcasts for me while I'm on the go (walking or biking).

I highly recommend this app if you love podcasts and want a better way to save the best ideas from your favorite episodes.

Download the app: Airrquote


๐Ÿ“š Book: Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

I just started this book, but it's something that's been on my radar to read for a long time. It's really making me re-think my mindfulness practice. Tara is one of the leading meditation teachers in the world and this book is as relevant today as it was when it came out in 2003.

Short quote I'm pondering from her book:

โ€œThe only way to live is by accepting each minute as an unrepeatable miracle.โ€

Read the book: Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach


๐Ÿฆ 3 Favorite Tweets

  1. My guide to startups: I've lost millions, hired hundreds, raised millions and sold companies before the age of 30. Read this to become better (@gregisenberg)
  2. Here is a thread on 5 of the biggest reasons we fail to make effective decisions. (@ShaneAParrish)
  3. Thread on the best things I've learned from Jeff Bezos (@david_perell)

Most clicked link last week: The Made to Wonder Podcast by Josh Less

That's all I got for you this week!

As always, if you have anything you need support with โ€“ especially as it relates to crypto, marketing, or startups โ€“ please don't hesitate to reach out via responding to this email or hitting me up on Twitter!

And if you have any recommendations of cool things to read, watch, or listen to, I'm all ears. I love discovering new things or ideas from friends.


Jonah Baer

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