Monthly Update
Mar 03, 2025 3:56 pm
Hello, !
Sorry it's been so long since I've done a Monthly Update! I do love writing them, but it seems that each time I think of doing one, it's too far into the month to make any sense!
Besides the fact that this past month has flown by, it has been such fun for me. The weather has been fluctuating a great deal, and I've gotten to spend a lot more time outside the last few weeks, writing and painting in the sun. I went on a couple hikes with my family and spent time with friends! I also started reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with a dear friend who hasn't read the books before! We're having a blast reading them together. :) Besides that, I
got a job working at our church's nursery and may just start tutoring a girl in art!
Writing has been amazing this month. On the third of February (a month ago today), I started On Eagle's Wings, the sequel to When Morning Dawns in my fantasy series A Hero of Alindell. Since then, I have written 47K words. I couldn't be more thrilled over how my writing is going, but I find it rather vexing that I wasn't able to write like this in NaNoWriMo. (Our brains have a strange way of refusing to cooperate when we have the pressure of a challenge coming up, don't they?)
Besides having a blast writing my own work, I've been given the wonderful opportunity to start mentoring one of my friends! It's been such fun so far, and I couldn't be more honored to help a fellow writer through her journey.
Art has been going well the last few weeks, too! One of my friends bought me a wonderful watercolor set recently, and I have been enjoying trying that out! So far, I haven't done any huge projects, but I can already tell what a difference the great watercolors are making.
The Blog
This month I didn't write as much on my blog due to my frenzy over the novel. However, I did write...
Where have I been? (An explanation, apology and poll)
What can Pirates of the Caribbean teach us about movies?
That's all for now!
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed getting a peek into my past month. I'd also love to hear something fun you've been up to!
Any exciting goals you've met?
Feel free to hit reply and tell me.
Until next time,
God bless,
Autumn Grace
P. S. If you know anybody who would be interested in signing up for my email list, I'd greatly appreciate if you would give them this link!