Happy New Book Release!📚 🎉

Aug 26, 2021 11:03 am

Hello ,

Thank you so much for joining my list. I know that you likely found a lot of great authors through BookFunnel, and I am just thrilled that you chose to sign up for my emails. It really means a lot to this author!

I apologize for not emailing sooner...but I have been writing. A lot.

No, my really big news...

I am beyond excited to share with you that I have FINALLY published, Kitty and the Captain, book two in the First to Marry Series.

I may have celebrated with a little too much wine, because giddy enthusiasm just spills out of me and cannot be denied. I love my Kitty.

Finding love and self-confidence, not in the shadow of her sister, but in the arms of her captain...

Living in the shadow of your flamboyant youngest sister…could there be a more awful fate? Curvy Kitty Bennet, a middling sort of girl in every way, yearns to be seen, valued, loved…to break free from her role of silliest girl in all of England, a sidekick.


Buy Now!

Kitty and the Captain is available in paperback, ebook, and on Kindle Unlimited, exclusively on Amazon.com

Finally, I know that you did find me through BookFunnel, so my apologies if you have already looked through one of the two below promotions. But check them out in case you missed something — there are so many great authors here!

Although I haven't had time to read all of the books included in the promotions, because there are a ton, I am looking forward to checking them out myself! This promotion runs through August 31st, and is the Late August Happy Ever After BookFunnel promotion. Check it out!

Click for Late August Romance Reads!

Now, if you have already visited the above promotion on BookFunnel, not to fear, there is a second promotion going on for you. This promotion includes a wide variety of authors and genres, including romance, Young Adult reads, and Mystery & Suspense. Lots to see!

Click for First Love Book Promotion!

I look forward to hearing what you think of Kitty and the Captain, and I wish you a fantastic week. Be well, friend in books.


