Books! How do you prefer to read them? 🤔

Oct 14, 2021 10:59 am

Hi there ,

I seriously want to know all about your personal reading preferences, so I spent the last hour making a four question quiz. Yes, it really took me an hour. 😂

So please take my simple, little quiz (which is really just a Google Form.)

Take the Quiz!

Thank you!

I appreciate your time. And I will work to provide my books to you in all of your preferred book reading ways...although I have yet to master summoning rainstorms to provide background noise and an excuse to stay in bed reading.

Believe me, I’ve tried.

As a reader, I personally love Kindle Unlimited. I am a voracious reader of all stories featuring Fitzwilliam Darcy and contemporary romcoms with arrogant male leads. Who are basically modern Darcys. Naturally, a subscription service works for me. And reading apps let me create my ideal reading setup — dark background with a large font size, thank you very much.

Yet, as I compose this email, I wonder if you read ebooks? Are you a Kindle Unlimited subscriber? Or do you prefer your books in the time-tested paper format? Then again, you could be a book listener-reader who prefers audio books? Take the quiz already.

Now, if you are a Kindle Unlimited reader, I have a bunch of new books for you to peruse and add to your reading list, compliments of the latest BookFunnel promotion. Check them out by clicking here.


Happy reading,

