And so it goes!

Apr 29, 2022 10:16 pm

Dear Reader,

As I write you this note, I'm in Daytona Beach to participate in my first IRAE event as a featured author. IRAE stands for Interracial Romance Authors Expo and is an annual event that brings readers and the authors they love together for a weekend of camaraderie and support. I just wanted to share it with you before I get too busy on panels and the like.

I'd love to sharte some photos with you, but I'm having a hard time getting them to download. I promise you, next time, after I've asked the powers that be to explain why they won't upload my shots, I'll share with you a new paranormal series idea. It's about dragons and the mates precdestined for them and it's on the schedule for release in 2023. What do you think about this teaser for the first story in the series?


I love speciulative fiction, which covers paranormal, fantasy, and science fiction stories. Do you read pararnomal romance? What's your favorite non-human species? Who's your favorite paranormal writer? Share with me. I love to read new writers.

Hopefully, I'll be able to share my picture from IRAE with you next time. Until then, take care and stay blessed.

À bientôt,

K. T.
