It's almost springtime!

Mar 13, 2022 5:45 am

Dear Reader,

Oh my word, it's already the middle of March! Where has the time gone? Wasn't it just Valentine's Day? In a minute, it'll be spring and before you know it, we'll be sweltering away in summer heat. Do I sound sad about that? Maybe a lil bit...winter is my favorite season, after all, which I know is a shock to everyone who knows where I'm from originally.

Which brings me to this...I was just asked to write a bio introducing my author persona to a book club I recently joined. This is what I came up with. Maybe you'll learn something that you never knew about me.

FAVORITE BOOK: The answer to this is difficult because as a retired English educator, I would find it much easier to name the books that aren't my favorites. The books I love the best range from classics such as all of “The Chronicles of Narnia” and Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”, to Olivia Gaines’s “Thursdays In Savannah”, Brenda Jackson’s “Taking Care of Business”, and Tal Bauer’s “Enemies of the State”. I’m also a lover of paranormal romances including J. R. Ward’s “Dark Lover”, Lara Adrian’s “Taken by Midnight”, and Sherrilyn Kenyon’s “Fantasy Lover”. I’ve read the series in which each of these books is listed.

BIO: Before migrating to the United States in December 1988, K. T. had lived in three Caribbean countries…Jamaica where she was born, Barbados where she spent most of her teen years, and Antigua where she lived at the beginning of her life as a mother. Altogether, she has also taught in three countries…Jamaica, Antigua, and the US. She’s a mother of four grown children, born in three different countries (Jamaica, Antigua, and the US) and grandmother of one born in Japan.

K. T. reads everything but horror stories, is an Anglophile, and loves winter more than summer. K. T. has lived in New York since she arrived in the US, but has traveled to a few other states over the years, from Maine to Florida and westward as far Minnesota. She loves to travel but hates to fly and has never been on a ship that wasn’t in dock. Train rides and road trips are her jam. When she’s not writing, K. T. is reading, listening to audiobooks, or watching a few select American comedies, Britcoms, British and American police procedurals, HGTV, and cooking shows.

As you can tell, I can't name a favorite book...I have too many favorites to choose just one. What's your favorite book? Or are you like me and can't choose? Share some of yours with me. And if you'd like to be part of a book club that meets virtually, Here's the link to join Bonita and her friends:

And now for something completely random, how about a little help? What do you think about this ad for a new project I'm working on? Would you run out to buy this book if this was on the Amazon pre-order page? Right now, it's planned to come out on October 31, and I'll tell you more about it in the next newsletter.


I'd love to hear your thoughts, and see if we have some shared favorite reading material.

Until next time, à bientôt,

