When Life Throws You Curves

Feb 10, 2023 2:22 am


Good evening, dear Reader!

It's been a minute since I was last with you, and much has happened that caused the delay in this newsletter. A backed-up septic system, frozen pipes, leaks, and health issues have all made the last month especially trying. I've made some decisions as a result, and am learning to live more simply in order to reduce my stress levels. I highly recommend it.

As a fellow writer has reminded me, I'm a retired person, and life should be easier now, not harder. So for starters, this newsletter will no longer show up in your mailboxes twice per month. I'll send one out once a month unless there's news that needs to be relayed immediately.

I've also decided to give my first MM series in my soon-to-be-debuted new pen name -- A. J. Buchanan -- to the publishers of the Serendipity series, to lessen the toll that self-publishing has taken on my health. What that means is that I won't have to push myself to "publish or perish" (a term I'm borrowing from academia) and can focus on the writing.

Will there be other books self-published by K. T. Bond this year? Absolutely! A Very Pregnant Christmas will be mine to republish independently in March, and I also have a billionaire story to write for an anthology that comes out in November. And of course, the next book in my Twelfth Day Of Christmas Romance series must be ready for a January 5, 2024 publication date. So I'll be busy, but not all the business parts will be on my shoulders. I'm trying to work smarter, not harder.

And so to the latest news. Back At Last, the final book in the Serendipity series, will come out on March 30. Click on the title to pre-order your copy.


And if you haven't already read the first two books in the series -- Back To Life and Back To Love -- now would be a great time to 1-click and get familiar with some of the characters who make cameo appearances in this third book. Finally, thank you for your support of The Surrogate, which has been live for just over a month on your favorite platforms. Links to all books are in their titles.

Finally, if you've signed up to be on my ARC team, copies of Back At Last are available for you to read and review. Please respond to this email letting me know your availability so I can send you the link. And if you'd like to be on the team, please sign up here -- ARC Signup Team -- and I'll get a copy out to you ASAP. And thank you all so much for your interest and support!

All the best until next time, take care of yourselves and be well. Remember, there's only one you!

À bientôt,

