Busy Bee Me

Apr 12, 2022 12:52 pm

Dear Reader,

It's been a rainy couple of weeks, and the pond is almost overflowing, with more rain in the forecast. April is indeed the cruelest month (that's what T. S. Eliot wrote and he knew whereof he spoke!) but at least it's not snowing in my rural corner of New York like it was in Quebec.

This is just a brief visit. I wanted to let you know that you can follow and subscribe to my blog here -- https://ktbondepihanies.home.blog/ -- where I share not just my own work but also that of writers whom I admire. I also wanted to let you know about two pre-orders that are currently running on Amazon. One is for the second story in the Serendipity series, Back to Love, and the other is for a hot holiday box set including other writers of interracial romance such as Stephanie Morris and Olivia Gaines. And if you don't know who they are, for less than the price of a cup of coffee, you will find out when you pre-order Wanted: Mistletoe from this universal link. I guarantee that you'll be glad you did.

Finally, yesterday was National Pet Day, and I wanted to share a picture of our current family pet. He's a rescue dog that we got from the local SPCA, named Chaz. next month, he'll be ten years old...the oldest member of the family. He's a Cocker Spaniel mix (no, we don't know what else he is.)


Do you have a pet? Anything unusual, like a snake (shudder!) or love birds? I'd love to hear from you and see a photo.

Until next time, be safe and blessed!

À bientôt,

K. T.
