Happy Women's Day!

Mar 08, 2023 11:40 pm


Dear Readers,

Can you believe a month has already gone by? Much has happened in my private life, some of it happy, some of it not so much. But that is the human condition, right? Thank goodness we're still here to live stronger, better lives.

Today is women's day, and I'm proud to contemplate the invaluable place we hold in the world. Outside of fantasy mpreg romances, humanity would cease to exist without us. And that is only the very basic foundation of our contributions to the race. We do much more than merely breed young. We build, we teach, we nurture...we love.

On that note, I'm pleased to announce my writing plans for 2023. On the cards for this year are:


  1. A revamping and rebranding of my first three books (see image above) into a single-edition collection. It will involve some reworking of the short stories and flash fiction that each includes, as well as one new cover, and new blurbs. If you're curious, click on the titles to find them now on Amazon. Tidbits and Teasers, Sizzling Scenes, Fabulous Fantasies.
  2. The launch of two new series: "Power Players" and "Single Moms in the City" -- both tentative titles.
  3. A manuscript submission to Harlequin's new "sexy, contemporary line" (their current description of it). The story is titled The Pilot's Wife, and if Harlequin rejects it, it will become the first in the new "Single Moms" series.
  4. Participation in another anthology with fellow author Stephanie Morris at the helm once again. This one will be about billionaires, titled "Tall, Dark, and Rich". That story will become the first in my new Power Players series once the rights are returned to me.

Which reminds me...A Very Pregnant Christmas is now mine to republish singly, and it will become the fourth Twelfth Day of Christmas story, due out on January 5, 2023. Currently, it is a novella, but by the time of publication, it will have new content added to it. So, if you missed it in the "Wanted: Mistletoe" anthology, which is no longer available, you'll have your chance to read it when it comes out next year. Pre-orders will go live on December 1. Don't worry...I'll remind you closer to the time!

By the way, I'm playing around on BookBrush. Which of these do you think is a better ad for A Very Pregnant Christmas? This one?


Or this one?


Well, I'm off now. It's dinner time here, and I need to figure out what leftovers I'm reheating. Until next month!

À bientôt,

