Can I get a witness?

Jan 15, 2022 5:01 am

Bonjour, !

First of all, happy second half of January. I sure hope the first half has been good to you all! It's been a minute since I've written to you all, and a lot has happened. While bad news keeps coming, laughter and the love of family make the heartaches bearable. And in the meantime, life goes on.


Ties That Bind, my second Twelfth Day of Christmas novel, was published on January 5. Click on the title to get to it on Amazon. Also less than a month old is May to December, published on Boxing Day, December 26. Both could use your read-and-review love.


So, what am I working on? At the moment, I'm finishing Back to Love, the second novel in the Serendipity series. The first one, Back to Life, is available on Amazon. Click on the title to get your copy today! The publication date is set for mid-September. I'm also working on an edit of the first three chapters of a historical novel which the Harlequin Historicals editors have asked me to revise and send back to them. fingers crossed that they'll like what I did enough to want my story!


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Thank you for being a friend! Always follow your heart.


À bientôt,

K. T.

