I'm off t see the Wizard!

Aug 10, 2022 2:44 pm

Good morning, dear Reader!

Life is a funny thing, isn't it? Here you are, going along placidly doing your thing when it smacks you upside the head and you have to plot a new course of action.

On Saturday, my husband and I will be traveling home to Jamaica to bury his dad, who died on July 11. The trip will be sad for that reason, of course, but as with everything else in life, there will be a positive side.

It will be the first time since 1992 that I have been home. How can I not look forward to it?

Except for the getting there part, I have some plans for distracting myself as much as possible from the knowledge that I'll be a mile high for three and a half hours, riding the air even though I'm neither a bird nor a witch. *chuckles*

You guessed it...I'm afraid of flying.

So, what will I do to distract myself? Well, I have Tal Bauer's latest sports romance Gravity as an ARC to read.


Additionally, I used one of my Audible credits to get Lauren Blakely's Hopelessly Bromantic, so I can listen to that if I need a deeper distraction. The Audible version is performed by Teddy Hamilton and Shane East, and if you love a British accent, you'll love Shane East. I do, that's for sure!


Going home after all these years will most likely be profoundly impactful. There is so much about my island that I no longer know anything about, so much I'll have to learn to navigate anew, so much I'll have to reacquaint myself with. Like the roaches that fly -- Americans call them water bugs -- and the lizards, including the one that will change color and chase you if you make it mad. Yeah, not everything will be hunky-dory by any means.

One last book recommendation, a third chance for you to click on a new reading experience, is here in this story by another Caribbean writer, Dahlia Rose, who hails from Barbados, where I grew up. Dahlia has a new book coming out on October 5, Lunchtime Chronicles: Rum Punch, that will transport you to her island and immerse you in an erotic little treat. It's up for pre-order right now, so you can go ahead and 1-click it now.

And remember, all links in this newsletter are clickable.


Finally, some news about my WIP. The final story in the "Serendipity" series, Back At Last, is about Rory, aka Riordan, a famous rockstar, and Chrissy, the executive assistant whom he cannot resist, the one who finally helps him decide to move on to different life experiences so he can have her in his life. And Chrissy, for her part, must accept that what she has found with Rory is bigger than her reluctance, bigger than her insecurities, big enough to keep her in his heart forever. I'll have more information for you about the book soon.

My next newsletter may be a little late depending on the reliability of the WiFi where I may be in Jamaica at the time. Until then, enjoy these dog days of summer as much as you can, stay safe, and happy reading/listening!

À bientôt,

K. T.
