"And the days grow short ..."

Sep 01, 2024 6:21 pm

Good afternoon, dear Reader,

"...when you reach September." I love this song, aptly titled "September Song", which is also the theme song of one of my favorite British comedies about an older couple's second-chance romance titled "May to December", starring Judy Dench and Geoffrey Palmer. Coincidentally, I have a book with that title, but more on that in a minute.

First, happy September to you all. My apologies for this late letter, but relearning how to raise a 14-month-old and to be patient with a 6-year-old is HARD work, let me tell you! Finding the time to do all the things that need to be done is even more of a daily challenge these days.

Still, it's a new month, and I have news of all sorts to share with you. Let's begin with something that makes me very happy. After a meeting with my creative coach, Jen Graybeal, I made a new post on TikTok and was blessed with over 5K views for the first time. I'd never hit the 1K mark before that post. I am shocked, thrilled, and overwhelmed. And folks are still finding it, somehow. Click on the LINK to see it for yourselves. Or click HERE to view my page and everything on it. And please follow me there, if you haven't already done so. I try to post there at least once daily.

Which brings me to my May to December novel. It was the subject of that 5K post and is currently available on Amazon (click on the link) either in KU or for purchase. If you haven't met ER doctor Scott McCallum, the romance fanboy, and Lola Cassidy, the writer he falls in love with, you're definitely missing out!


I'd also like to recommend two books that I think you'll enjoy from writers whose work I like. The first is one in a series of Book Boyfriend novellas titled Librarian Book Boyfriend by Niccoyan Zheng. It's a cute story with a male MC whom I swoon over because he's such a darling! Click on the link to find it. And no, he's not a bruiser at all, but he's stacked in every way! *grins*


The second book is Rosamunde's Knight by Harper Black. I really love the fact that both characters are not in the first blush of youth and that their meet-cute is based on a serendipitous meeting between the female MC and the male MC's father in a whole other place. The title contains a play on words that proves to be accurate. If you enjoy a slow-burn story with an HFN and don't mind a bit of a cliffhanger you should give this a try.


Just one more thing. I'll be sending out newsletters twice a month for the next three months to keep you up to date on all the plans and happenings between now and the holidays. I promise not to invade your inboxes more than 6 more times between now and December 31.

Well, since I have a few minutes to spare, I'd better get some laundry done. Grandmothering/mothering is exhausting, but life still goes on! Have a great September! Until next time.

À bientôt,

